For example, was the author a teacher, a scientist in that field etc? whether the purpose of the article is not resulting in bias whether the site or publication is reputable, i.e.gov.edu, biology textbook whether the data was gathered using an appropriate method and measuring devices whether it is current (check date) This means that if your information is current, written by an expert in the area you are investigating, without bias and is in a reputable publication, then your information could be considered reliable. Validity To determine if the information you are gathering is valid, you must consider or evaluate the following: whether the information relates to the problem or hypothesis being investigated Reliability To determine if the information you are gathering is reliable, you must consider or evaluate the following: the author of the article’s credentials (i.e. To ensure secondary sources are accurate, the information from the site or source must be both valid and reliable. When researching information, using articles from journals, mass media, textbooks etc, it is important to identify your sources in the correct manner and the information must be accurate. References to validity, reliability and accuracy in the Stage 6 Syllabus Skills content 11.2: plan first-hand investigations to: (c) design investigations that allow valid and reliable data and information to be collected Outcome P12: discusses the validity and reliability of data gathered from first-hand investigations and secondary sources Outcome H12: evaluates ways in which accuracy and reliability could be improved in investigations Skills content 12.4: process information to: (e) assess the reliability of first-hand and secondary information and data by considering information from various sources (f) assess the accuracy of scientific information presented in mass media by comparison with similar information presented in scientific journals Outcome H14: assesses the validity of conclusions from gathered data and information For secondary sources Often students are asked to “Identify data sources, gather, process, analyse and present information from secondary sources”.

Accuracy, Validity & Reliability The Stage 6 Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) syllabus asks students to distinguish between these terms in both first-hand investigations and when using secondary sources.