Bibles Included, 28 included, 29 paid ($14-$39 each), 46 included, 21 paid ($15 each), 69 included. Feature, EasyWorship 6, ProPresenter 6, MediaShout 6.

Please does anyone know where I can get Bibles for Easyworship 6? I have been using Easyworship 6 for a while and I love it. CCLI songs (.usr) ChordPro songs EasySlides (previously EasiSlides) EasyWorship 6, 2009+ MediaShout OpenLP OpenLyrics format OpenSong (Chords . EasyWorship 6 build 5.5 + License File + 11 Offline Bibles. Module reading and loading EasyWorship Bible undocumented binary files. To request a Bible Plug-in, please visit our Community Forum. EasyWorship only works with Bible Plug-ins that have been formatted as.

Get all the bible plug-ins you need for your EasyWorship church presentation software in multiple.